A Look At Our Health Over The Years

PREVIEW: statistics to remind you that our health in America is at it's worse.

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When you’re busy being health-conscious (not obsessed)… it’s easy to forget WE’RE LIVING THROUGH A HEALTH CRISIS.

You’re working long hours to earn a paycheck, juggling kids, running errands, cooking, cleaning, catching up with friends, making memories… enjoying everything else in life besides losing weight, counting calories, and avoiding everything that’s bad for you. AMEN!

With that said, if we never check to see if the “solutions” we’re being sold (diets, prescriptions, supplements, surgeries) are actually making us “healthier” — THEN WE’LL KEEP BUYING (BULLSH*T) PRODUCTS & RELYING ON (BROKEN) SYSTEMS THAT NEVER ACTUALLY FIX OUR PROBLEMS BECAUSE THEIR SOLUTIONS NEVER GET TO THE ROOT OF THE ISSUE.

So we want to share this quick bird’s-eye-view of our disease rates and trends to help us see if what we’ve been doing is helping (or hurting) us. We hope it helps you realize a healthy (imperfect) LIFESTYLE is what matters most, and encourages you to choose the solutions that make the most sense to you!

Leading Causes of Death —

  1. Heart disease

  2. Cancer

  3. Medical malpractice

Obesity —

Adults over 20 (overweight & obese): from 56% in 1988 to 73% in 2018

Children 5-19 (overweight & obese): from 8% in 1990 to 20% in 2022.

Children 2-19 (obese): from 10% in 1988 to 19% in 2018; from 5.2% in 1971 to 19.7% in 2020

Children 3-18 (overweight): from 9-10% in 1930 to 21-28% in 1993

Diabetes (I/II) —

Total population: from 10.3% in 2001 to 16.2% in 2021

Adults 20+: from 8.8% in 1988 to 16.3% in 2018; 13.2% in 2021

22% of diabetic adults are undiagnosed. Meaning: 38 million have it, but 1 in 5 don’t know it; 37% of Americans are pre-diabetic and 8 in 10 people don’t know it.

Children: poooooorly reported, but type II diabetes approximately doubled or more between 2002-2012 (10 years), 2002-2016 (14 years), and 1995-2015 (20 years).

heart disease

blood pressure





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