• Industry: corruption, monopoly, COI, labels, ingredients diet culture, take the guesswork out of grocery shopping

  • Biology: metabolism/energy, microbiome/digestion, drainage/detoxification, hormones/blood sugar

  • Strategy: step by step process of incorporating basic nutritional & lifestyle concepts that allow your body to feel and function it’s best consistently longterm (ie. complete, consistent meals, blood sugar regulation, gut health, drainage pathways, sun exposure, breathwork, resistance training) without restriction perfection or obsession (we’re not immortal, we’re here for a good time not a long time, we don’t wanna be crunchy or bougie to be healthy, we’re just middle class laidback low-maintenance women who want to feel and function best as we enjoy good food good people and good times as long as we can). Skip steps you’ve already nailed down, know what to do next, and how to do the best you can with where you’re at; get back to basics & get to the root of your biggest health concerns without giving up what you love

Your step-by-step guide to (re)building the daily rhythyms you’re built for that nourish your entire body on a foundational level.

Consider this your own pocket manual to calling bullsh*t on labels that lie & living your healthiest life — imperfectly.

Learn why the food industry is full of , what your body needs on a basic level & how to unapologetically do the best you can to prioritize the most nutrient-rich foods.

Grocery shop confidently & lay the groundwork for optimal health — without giving up a life you love.

    You believe symptoms are your body’s way of telling you it needs help & you don’t want to keep covering them up with bandaids

    You’re overwhelmed by all the info online and healthy habits — you want someone to help make sense of what steps make the most sense for YOU

    You want to feed your body and live the life your body was built for in a simple, sustainable way

    You’re not looking to obsess over everything you eat,

    You don’t expect to heal once and for all, youjust wanting to nourish your body with the real food it was designed to eat


  1. debunk/know sleazy marketing myths when you see it

  2. basic biology

  3. build the daily lifestyle meals your body needs to gut, hormones, and metabolism need to restore balance on any budget