Maybe you’ve heard us mention a study or two — but remember, science is always fallible, corruptible & easily skewed.
Have you noticed we’re so disconnected from what’s natural that we need studies to prove nature is good for us? WHAT IF we’re not meant to find all the answers about the human body in a lab? WHAT IF we trusted our instincts, experiences, anecdotal evidence, and ancestral traditions as much as our clinical studies? WHAT IF we didn’t wait for the science to tell us what to do? WHAT IF we actually read the nitty gritty details of studies to weed out biases and find results worth factoring into our decisions? We think science is a tool, not a religion, and we’d love to share some of our favorite research that encourages the ‘why’ behind what we do (and confirms common sense).
Vitamin C
Heart Disease
Alzheimers & more
Medical System
Physicians paid per prescription, injection, or specific services; receive bonuses for meeting quotas; insurance company incentives
Conflict of interest in med school/hospitals; no regulations or policy to avoid biased curriculum
Pharmaceutical drug companies hire the same FDA officials who approved their drug/pays them after approval
Food Industry:
The nutritional professionals who create our guidelines are sponsored by ultra-processed foods; documents prove partnerships and contributions from pharmaceuticals and pesticides
Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics was paid $4 million from sugar and ultra-processed food companies
Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics conference was sponsored by McDonalds
Influencers on social media paid by food companies to promote products
Basic Physiology
Cells -
Levels of organization: the cell is the smallest unit of life that dictates whether our tissues, organs, and body functions properly
Nutrition -
High-protein nutrition; protein requirements for moderate physical activity
Ultra-Processed Food
The definition of ultra-processed; classification of processed foods
60% of what Americans eat is ultra-processed; “everything in moderation” doesn’t work
A 10% increase in consumption of ultra-processed foods increases risk of breast cancer
Heavy Metals
Cadmium -
Although the placenta acts as a barrier, protecting the foetus from cadmium exposure by increasing metallothionein expression [14], this metal can be found in cord blood and has been associated with decreased birth weight [15], premature delivery [16] and altered thyroid hormone status of newborns [17].
Lead -
Lead exposure can also cause spontaneous abortions [6], congenital malformations [7], reduced birth weight [8] and length [9], gestational hypertension [10] or impaired neurodevelopment [11]
Mercury -
mercury has been associated with pregnancy-induced hypertension [5], low birth weight [12] and birth defects [13]
Pregnancy -
Hormonal Contraceptives
We’re not "anti-pill",” we’re pro-informed consent and full disclosure, so you understand how to nourish your body & protect against the harmful effects if you choose to take it
Over 60% of 15-49 year old women use birth control contraceptives; 14% of those use the pill (2nd to sterilization) — and 58% of pill users rely on it for reasons other than pregnancy prevention (acne, PMS, etc) which the pill can help but never addresses the root cause
Many DON’T suffer side effects if they did not have symptoms prior to starting the pill
A pill-bleed is not a menstrual cycle; the pill suppresses ovulation but stimulate our uterine lining
IUDs, Inflammation, and Infection; Overview of IUD Risks; IUD side effects
Side effects:
Attraction: affects your taste in men; women on birth control prefer more feminine features; impacts who you’re attracted to; poor taste in men
Depression and mood swings: 23-80% increased risk of depression women 15-24; increased risk of antidepressant medication; doubles risk of attempted suicide and triples rate of completed suicide with the highest risk from patch, then IUD, then ring, then pills
Cancer: Cancer; Carcinogens in Contraceptives;
Reproductive issues: Reproductive Issues
Disrupts innate and adaptive immunity: Autoimmunity; Hashimotos
Thyroid dysfunction: Thyroid Problems; Hashimotos; increases sex-hormone-binding-globulin (SHBG) and thyroxine-binding-globulin (TBG) which lowers thyroid hormones (which is common in women)
Depletes vitamins & minerals: B vitamins, selenium, zinc, antioxidants; crucial for fetal development if mom wants to conceive later
Ruins gut bacteria: disrupts microbiome; risk of inflammatory bowel disease
Increases oxidative stress/c-reactive protein (CRP)
Post-Birth Control Syndrome: symptoms after getting off the pill; side effects from pill don’t go away just because you stop taking it; Birth Control Rehab; hormone detoxification is a key step post-pill
Natural birth control -
FAM (fertility awareness method); types of FAM; .4-7.5% typical-use failure rate when symptothermal method is followed correctly (not perfectly) compared to the pill’s 9% typical-use failure rate
Clean condoms (Come Connected, Glyde, Lola, Hello Cake, Maude, PS, Lelo Hex)
Pre-pregnancy preparation -
The importance of folate (VItamin B9), cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and more BEFORE conception; the impact of Vitamin B12 on birth outcomes
Infertility -
The Cash Cow of ‘Fertility’ Medicine; $24 BILLION in 2022; affects 6 million of American females (10% of American women)
SECTION 13.1 ON EVERY VACCINE INSERT: “not tested for impairment of fertility”
Military women experience infertility 3x more than civilian women
Premature ovarian insufficiency/failure/infertility following HPV vaccinations
Heavy metals and infertility: impair reproductive hormones necessary for pregnancy (progesterone, estradiol, prolactin, thyroid, and adrenocortical steroids; cause chromosomal damage¹ ², increase risk of miscarriage, malformations, and prematurity¹ ² ³
Nutrition -
Exercise -
Physical activity significantly reduces risk of preeclampsia¹ ² ³, high blood pressure¹ ² ³, gestational diabetes¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵, c-sections, back or hip pain; increases nutrient and gas exchange through the placenta; less distress on baby during labor; shorter time in active labor; increases energy production; faster recovery postpartum
150 minutes/week of moderate to high intensity activity determined to provide the greatest benefit
Heavy metals -
Vaccinations -
Midwifery -
#1 factor proven to produce better birth outcomes: a midwife
Outcomes of Care in 17k Planned Homebirths with Midwives & Factsheet
A Literature Review of A Midwife’s Philosophy, Partnership & Practice
How to find a midwife near you
Ask for recommendations, look for business cards or search “homebirth midwife” in your area
Qs to ask a midwife during free consult
Birth & Delivery
Hospital births in the US have the worst maternal mortality rates; #1 factor proven to produce better birth outcomes: a midwife
Obstetric violence in maternity care; what is Obstetric Violence?; obstetric violence increases use of unnecessary interventions
Baby needs microbial contact with vaginal birth canal for immunity; reduces risk of allergies, diabetes, and obesity
Proven benefits of delayed umbilical cord clamping (wait for white)
Proven benefits of immediate skin to skin; rates of skin-to-skin care have increased dramatically
Homebirth: Why Not Home?; Outcomes of Care in 17k Planned Homebirths with Midwives & Factsheet; Homebirth State Laws
Cesarean Sections -
26% of low-risk births are non-emergent, unnecessary C-sections
Rate of C-sections increased from 20% in 1996 to 32% in 2011; doubled from 2000 to 2015
C-Section impacts future implantation, placenta, and uterus health
Evidence-based prevention of non-emergent C-sections; reduce rate of first time C-section
Pitocin -
Episiotomy -
Breastmilk & Formula
Zeolite -
NCVIA of 1986 eliminated all liability for childhood vaccine manufacturers
VICP allowed injured families to file for compensation 2-4 yrs after injury/death; VICP has paid out $5 Billion for only 37% of filed injuries/deaths (explained); VICP needs and improvements
VAERS was created as a (voluntary/passive) reporting system to detect adverse effects; Lazarus Study proved only 1% of adverse events are reported (CDC funded study, yet nonrespondent after results); user-friendly version of VAERS to search adverse events based on HHS data
All vaccines undergo testing without a placebo controlled group
Vaccine Requirements: School/Childcare Requirements by State
Vaccine Waiver: States that Allow Religious or Moral Exemptions
Ingredients -
Ingredients & Excipients taken directly from packaging & inserts
MRC-5: aborted fetus cells listed on packaging; fragmented DNA absorbed by human DNA causes mutations
Aluminum linked to Neurotoxicity/Neuro-degeneration/Neurological Outcomes/Autoimmunity; acute toxicity/low dose toxicity, accumulates in brain/body; overall unsafe
Thimerosal (mercury) used as preservative in vaccines; thimerosal (injected mercury) is twice as toxic as edible mercury, remains in blood of infants long enough to exert neurological effects in susceptible infants, induces DNA damage, and consistently proves to be unsafe
Adjuvants: used to increase
Protection/Transmission -
Diseases declined because of better hygiene, nutrition, and clean water
US administers the most vaccines, yet has the worst infant mortality rate
Antibodies aren’t always required for immunity/survive infection
Vaccinations in healthcare workers do NOT reduce mortality/morbidity in patients
Injected virus from Rubella vaccination was transmitted to surrounding contacts
CDC admits Polio outbreaks are induced by Polio vaccine/keeps polio in circulation
Measles: Boston University proved levels of titers necessary for protection; Lebaron Study proved only 25% of injected children maintain protective levels of induced-titers for 10 years; 70% of injected children’s titers fall to levels that modify/reduce symptoms of disease (meaning: vaccines create asymptomatic carriers and spreads the disease); 5% of vaccinated children had their induced-titers decline below natural levels in 5-10 years (meaning: overtime, children become more vulnerable to the disease they were supposed to be protected from and the disease becomes the disease of the vaccinated)
Itoh Study proved induced immunity 9x lower than wild infection
Autism: environment/ingredient impacts; rate of fetus cells use parallels rate of autism
Autoimmunity: induced by adjuvants; induced by adjuvants in animals; triggered by adjuvants; unveiling pathogenic and clinical aspects of adjuvants in vaccines
Transverse Myelitis: associated side effect of specific vaccinations; neurodegeneration/demyelination associated with specific vaccinations
Flu: kids induced with flu 3x more likely to get flu; increased risk of upper respiratory infection, strep, ear infections, and pneumococcal translocation
SIDS = vulnerable infants, developmental period, exogenous stressors
Infected, even with high antibodies/high titers
Childhood Development
Baby Food -
Genetic Expression
Danish Twin Study: the length of our life relies more on our environment than our genes
A cell’s mitochondria is up to 16x more likely to be damaged by ROS/free radicals (than the cell’s nucleus)¹ ² ³
We are bioelectromagnetic
IARC/WHO classify EMFs as Group 2B carcinogen; possibly carcinogenic
Symptoms of Radiation
EMFs open our VGCC (voltage-gated calcium channels)
Children are more vulnerable to EMFs due to lower bone density and more fluid in the brain
“Vitamin” D-isaster
Increasing levels of Vit D does NOT reduce risk of cancer in postmenopausal women
Low levels of Calcidiol are found in both healthy and sick people
Low Calcidiol (storage) and high Calcitriol (active) are found in sick people; the body is using active D to fight inflammation/infection; Calcitriol should never exceed 1.5-2x more than Calcidiol
High doses of Vitamin D blocks Vitamin A receptors but Vitamin A receptors are needed to activate Vitamin D
High doses of Calcidiol requires the body to convert it into Calcitriol which is extremely hard on the liver, depletes magnesium, and requires the protein called metallothionein which depletes copper
High doses of Vitamin D strongly linked to renal (kidney) potassium wasting
Vitamin A is crucial to regulate Vitamin D and activate Vitamin D receptors;
Sunshine -
Sunshine activates Vitamin A (retinol), retinoic acids, and receptors sites needed to activate Vitamin D
Iron Overload
Iron is one of the most abundant elements on earth
Iron has been fortified into food products (ie. grains, baby formula, and more) since the 1940s; advertising increased consumer demand; different types of iron fortified into different foods; iron shavings in cereal
So how is anemia the #1 diagnosed deficiency in USA?
Testing: doctors only test for iron (ferritin) in the blood, not the iron in tissues; ferritin is a storage protein but holds very little iron; it is only found in blood after tissues are already inflamed and after iron has already been dumped into tissues (see above: iron should primarily be circulating not stored)
The RES (Reticuloendothelial System) recycles iron every single day; RES is what regulates iron in the blood
Iron is designed to be mobilized and circulating in order for it to carry oxygen; it is not designed to be stored, stuck, immobilized, or unbound from blood; immobilized or unbound iron increases oxidative stress
Pathogens love using iron as food; our body stores iron in tissue if/when there is high iron in blood to hide excess iron in blood from pathogens; protective against malaria
Iron levels in the tissue can be up to 10x greater than iron in the blood
Beef liver used to cure anemia, granted 1934 Nobel Prize; liver is the main storage site for copper; copper supplementation for iron deficiency
Iron overload is a contributing factor in every disease, especially cardiovascular diseases
Iron is the most pro-oxidant element (rust)
Oxygen is the second most reactive element
Double edge sword: we need oxygen to create energy, function, and stay alive (cellular respiration via glycolysis, krebs, phosphorylation) but creating energy creates exhaust that we need to make sure we’re helping our body clear out
Oxygen + iron (without copper) = rust, oxidative stress, free radicals, ROS and poor energy production which all cause accelerated aging/dysfunction; the Free Radical Theory; oxygen toxicity
Cholesterol is made with oxygen; cholesterol is our body’s natural way of using excess oxygen; cholesterol levels increase with higher levels of oxidative stress
Copper Deficiency
Copper is needed for every single step of “cellular respiration” (the process every cell uses to create the energy/ATP we need to stay alive) WITHOUT creating exhaust/oxidative stress; cellular respiration happens inside our millions of mitochondria to produce the equivalent of our body weight in ATP every single day
Copper creates cytochrome c oxidase; cytochrome c oxidase turns the oxygen we breathe into water (H20; harmless) instead of hydroxl radical (OH; harmful); OH eventually reacts with iron and turns into rust/oxidative stress; Fenton Reaction; if oxygen cannot be turned into water, then it is turned into ROS/free radicals/oxidative stress
Copper-dependent enzymes are needed to turn the water into ADP and convert NADH dehydrogenase (second most abundant copper protein) into NAD+ which is needed to turn ADP into ATP.
Hemoglobin is made of four heme groups and our body cannot make heme without Ferrochelatase, and Ferrochelatase does not work without copper
Copper activates ferroportin (what allows iron to be excreted from cells)
Copper deficiency: leads to a reduction of the red blood cells that carry iron/hemoglobin; reduced neutrophils that destroy infections (vs. iron fuels infections)
In a nutshell: copper creates energy cleanly, clears exhaust completely, and counteracts iron; low copper allows oxygen to create harmful byproducts as well as allowing unbound iron to accumulate, and when the harmful byproducts combine with unbound iron they create oxidative stress, which depletes magnesium and also creates a iron-rich environment for pathogens so the body stores the iron in our tissues instead of letting it circulate and get recycled; inadequate copper causes unbound iron to get stored in tissues, while excess iron further depletes copper; low iron levels is likely a lack of copper, not a lack of iron
Ceruloplasmin -
Ceruloplasmin is the taxi that delivers copper to our cell’s mitochondria; ceruloplasmin is full of copper
Ferroxidase: enzyme made from ceruloplasmin that deactivates iron before it rusts with oxygen; allows iron to be properly recycled
Ferroxidase: a powerful antioxidant that removes free radicals, heavily found inside cell’s mitochondria; low ferroxidase decreases use of iron recycling system
Testing: elevated ceruloplasmin levels indicate infection or wounding; low ceruloplasmin levels after copper-deficient diet
T3 signals liver to produce ceruloplasmin when it senses oxidative stress
Beef liver -
Main storage site of copper; site of copper metabolism, methylation & conversion of T4
Retinol is the most absorbable form of Vitamin A; the body absorbs 75-100% of retinol and only 10-30% than beta-carotene; intestinal absorption of retinol and carotenoids; sources of retinol
Retinol is needed to load copper into ceruloplasmin; see copper deficiency
Retinol is needed to regulate Vitamin D and activate Vitamin D receptors; see“vitamin” d-isaster
Increased retinol intake increases hemoglobin; see iron overload
Risks of low magnesium: higher risk of blood clots, high blood pressure, diabetes
Magnesium deficiency increases risk of stroke, heart disease, blood clots, high blood pressure
Magnesium is depleted very quickly by oxidative stress or emotional stress, synthetic vitamins, chelated by pharmaceuticals, and our soils no longer magnesium rich
etc etc
Retinol is the most absorbable form of Vitamin A; the body absorbs 75-100% of retinol and only 10-30% than beta-carotene; intestinal absorption of retinol and carotenoids; sources of retinol
Retinol is needed to regulate Vitamin D and activate Vitamin D receptors
Risks of low magnesium: higher risk of blood clots, high blood pressure, diabetes
Magnesium deficiency increases risk of stroke, heart disease, blood clots, high blood pressure
Magnesium is depleted very quickly by oxidative stress or emotional stress, synthetic vitamins, chelated by pharmaceuticals, and our soils no longer magnesium rich
Ultra-Processed Foods
Alternative medicine providers:
StatPearls on PubMed
“Health is just like our cashflow; if you’re never saving money, then you’re living paycheck to paycheck just to get by or you’re spending on short term satisfaction. Nutrition is no different: if you don’t get enough nutrients in your body everyday, then you’ll keep pulling from low reserves and eventually create a debt. Health is about getting ahead to create stability and consistently tending to the fire, instead of constantly trying to extinguish a fire that got out of control or starting over because it completely went out.” Josh of East West Healing
Basic Biology
Chronic stress & hypoglycemia slows down liver function
Our liver is the main site of copper metablism, methylation of T3 and B vitamins
Improves insulin sensitivity >