Maybe you’ve heard us mention a study or two — but remember, science is always fallible, corruptible & easily skewed.

Have you noticed we’re so disconnected from what’s natural that we need studies to prove nature is good for us? WHAT IF we’re not meant to find all the answers about the human body in a lab? WHAT IF we trusted our instincts, experiences, anecdotal evidence, and ancestral traditions as much as our clinical studies? WHAT IF we didn’t wait for the science to tell us what to do? WHAT IF we actually read the nitty gritty details of studies to weed out biases and find results worth factoring into our decisions? We think science is a tool, not a religion, and we’d love to share some of our favorite research that encourages the ‘why’ behind what we do (and confirms common sense).


Basic Physiology

Cells -

  • Levels of organization: the cell is the smallest unit of life that dictates whether our tissues, organs, and body functions properly

Nutrition -

Ultra-Processed Food


  • GMO Myths: we can “feed the world” but how nourished are we?

Heavy Metals

Cadmium -

  • Although the placenta acts as a barrier, protecting the foetus from cadmium exposure by increasing metallothionein expression [14], this metal can be found in cord blood and has been associated with decreased birth weight [15], premature delivery [16] and altered thyroid hormone status of newborns [17].

Lead -

  • Lead exposure can also cause spontaneous abortions [6], congenital malformations [7], reduced birth weight [8] and length [9], gestational hypertension [10] or impaired neurodevelopment [11]

Mercury -

  • mercury has been associated with pregnancy-induced hypertension [5], low birth weight [12] and birth defects [13]

Pregnancy -

Hormonal Contraceptives

Side effects:

Natural birth control -

Birth & Delivery

Homebirth: Why Not Home?; Outcomes of Care in 17k Planned Homebirths with Midwives & Factsheet; Homebirth State Laws

Cesarean Sections -

Pitocin -

Episiotomy -


Ingredients -

Protection/Transmission -

Genetic Expression

“Vitamin” D-isaster

Sunshine -

Iron Overload


Copper Deficiency

Ceruloplasmin -

Beef liver -

etc etc



Ultra-Processed Foods


Alternative medicine providers:



  • “Health is just like our cashflow; if you’re never saving money, then you’re living paycheck to paycheck just to get by or you’re spending on short term satisfaction. Nutrition is no different: if you don’t get enough nutrients in your body everyday, then you’ll keep pulling from low reserves and eventually create a debt. Health is about getting ahead to create stability and consistently tending to the fire, instead of constantly trying to extinguish a fire that got out of control or starting over because it completely went out.” Josh of East West Healing

Basic Biology

  • Chronic stress & hypoglycemia slows down liver function

  • Our liver is the main site of copper metablism, methylation of T3 and B vitamins